Saturday, November 20, 2010

Life with Nonna and Nonno

Our house is officially sold. We have been living with my parents for about three weeks and things couldn't be going any better - although we did have to outsource the cat to a neighbor after a pretty ugly cat fight our first night.

Max just loves all of the extra attention, and Brian and I must admit it is nice to have Nonna take care of baths and dressing Max in the mornings. I think Max is going to be in for a rude awakening when we move into the new house he no longer has four people devoted solely to him. He loves Nonna's little train, although he spends most of his time trying to make it derail.

He also loves snuggling on the couch and giving Piglet kisses. Today Max and I spent time making cookies for Nonno Mason's birthday. He loved pouring in all the ingredients - I think the eggs were his favorite.

All in all, things are going very well. We close on the new house the day before Thanksgiving and we plan on moving in that Saturday - Brian was willing to move on Friday, he might miss all the black Friday deals!

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