Sunday, October 17, 2010


I feel so behind on my blogging. Trying to sell one house and buy another is not easy work! We have been able to squeeze in a little bit of fun time along the way.

After Gymboree a couple weeks ago the Webster Groves fire department had an open house. Max, Brian and I headed over for some fun the trucks and some snacks. They had a little wooden fire that the kids could spray. Max was so excited standing in line and waiting for his turn. He just couldn't wait to get to the front. Once it was his turn he picked up the hose like a pro. As soon as the water turned on he wasn't so sure about it anymore.

He climbed on the fire truck and gave the gas mask a dirty look. He wasn't too sure about being in the big truck without mom and dad. He also wasn't so sure about posing for a picture with dad. Even though he looks a little reluctant, he really had a great time.

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