Saturday, March 20, 2010

Party Day

We were lucky enough to celebrate Max's birthday this afternoon. The festivities began with the presentation of a pretzel in the shape of giant two. Since we love Gus' it seemed very fitting. The pretzel was hit with everyone, especially with a melted cheese dip to go with it.

Max had a great time playing with his cousins. One of his favorite games is hide and seek. I am always 'it' while Max hides around the house. I make a huge production of searching for him, although he always hides in the same places. Today I got a break from being 'it' while Max's cousins took over searching for him. His favorite hiding place today was in between the storm door and the real door.

Since the cupcake-cake went so well last year we decided to go for another one this year. Max wasn't too sure about the singing, but he sure loved digging into his cupcake.

After cake Max opened his presents, or more accurately we opened his presents while he played with other things - like Nonna's camera. He did wear his cool new Mizzou shirt and Cardinals hat for a few minutes - he looked like such a big boy!

Every time I look at our little man I am reminded of how much he is growing up. Before we know it he will be in pre-school and then kindergarten. I just want to enjoy every moment that we have together - he is such a little miracle!

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