Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday To Max!

I can't believe that our baby is two. Where has the last two years gone? As I rocked him tonight, I couldn't help but think of where we were two years ago. Time has flown by and I can't believe how much joy and laughter Max has brought to our lives. Every moment with him is a blessing and we feel so fortunate that we get to watch him grow and learn. Each day I learn much more from him than I ever thought possible. Here are just a few random thoughts I have had this year. . .

  • Ear tubes are a good thing - no more ear infections!

  • Learning to walk is a process. . . so is learning to talk.

  • I can make some really great choo-choo sounds.

  • Raffi and fridge dj make the car a fun place to be, at least for Max.

  • You can find great deals on Craig's List - we love our train table!

  • Lego's are really, really loud!Adjustable waist pants are one of the best inventions of all time - too bad they don't come in adult sizes.

  • Gymboree Play and Music is worth the money, even if Brian thinks it is fluff.

Being a working mom is really, really hard - but then again, so is staying at home.

  • Every toddler (or at least every parent) needs a steerable tricycle.

Footy PJ's are a bad thing - at least for a boy with sweaty feet.

  • Seasame Street is like toddler crack.

  • Sticking to a sleep schedule is easier on everyone.

  • As Max gets older it is tougher, and tougher to get a good picture.

  • Emptying silverware from the dishwasher is fun, if you are two.

  • Every family should have a minivan - power sliding doors are up there with adjustable waist pants.

Little kid playgrounds are not nearly as appealing as the big kid part.

  • Kids feet can grow crazy fast - Max's poor toes were smushed for a long time before I realized it.

Overnight diapers save on a lot of laundry - and a lot of cranky Bulleted Listmornings.

  • Sam's has the words best wipes - and they are cheap!

  • Brian can make a great horse.

  • We have the world's most laid back pets.

  • Being a mom has made me a better teacher.

  • I am still the luckiest girl alive!

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