Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our Little Reader

Our little man loves to read. When I brought him home from the sitters he must have brought me five different books to read. We sit in the rocker and read story after story. Max doesn’t say much about his books he just sits and listens. I think his favorites are the How Does a Dinosaur books. I don’t think they are too bad either. Max has even learned which way the book goes. If I hand it to him upside down he turns it right side up.

We also had our intake with a representative from Missouri’s First Steps program. She asked us lots of questions about what Max can do and what he cannot. She felt that his language skills were delayed enough that it warrants a screening from a speech and language specialist. They should be contacting me within the next few days to complete a formal evaluation of Max’s skills. Based on what the specialist finds, Max may or may not receive services. We will just have to wait and see. We just want to make sure that if Max needs help we get it for him!

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