Saturday, September 19, 2009

Apple PIcking

Max had a big day today! We went apple picking at Eckert's farm. Nonna joined us for the trek to Illinois. It was a fun time. We started off at the petting zoo area. Max treated the animals as if they were big cats. He wasn't scared at all and we even heard a real cow moo. The cow makes a better moo sound than I do.

Once he had his fill of the animals we headed to the tractor for our ride out to the orchard. Max thought that the ride was a lot of fun. He couldn't take his eyes off the driver the entire time.

I have never been apple picking before, and I was surprised at how cute the little apple trees were. Max didn't quite get the idea of picking the apples off the tree, but he loved putting them into the bags.

After we filled our apple bags, we rode the tractor back to the farm. Max sat with his Nonna and enjoyed the view.

Max was determined to take one look at the animals. This time he wanted to get even closer - he actually stuck his head through the fence. It was too cute!

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