Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pool Time!

One of my very favorite things about summer is the pool.  It's like a little mini vacation on a weekday afternoon.  Unfortunately momma is laid up with a badly sprained ankle - aside from the discomfort the worst part is that I can't drive.  Luckily Nonna retired just in time to play chauffeur.  The past two days she has come by to pick Jack up from summer school.  We packed up and headed to the pool - Max even joined us!

The water was chilly - which felt great on my ankle.  Jack is a little fish and he cannot get enough of the water.  He would swim all day every day if he could!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Our Little Gator

 William had his last baseball game Saturday.  It was a hot one!  It has been so much fun watching him grow as a player. 

Nonno came and watched the game.  At one point he complimented the left fielder covered the third baseman - it was William!  He understands the game and has improved so much on his throwing, catching, and stealing.  We are so grateful for his amazing team and coaches.  Its nice to know that you can trust them 100% to help your child grow in a positive way.

He is my very favorite ballplayer :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Great Nonna Retires

After 41 years serving as a receptionist for the NICU, the great Nonna has retired.  I was so grateful that I was able to be there to celebrate this huge milestone with her.  Can't wait for even more Nonna time in the days, months, and years to come. 

School's Out!


What a year it has been . . . virtual, distance, blended, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous, quarantines, oh my!  It has been insane, but these two handled it about as well as I could have asked.  There were moments of frustration and tears, but there were also lots of moments of celebrating success.  So long 2nd Grade!

Adious 7th Grade!  Max really, really didn't want me to take his picture, but I just had to.  Some day he will smile again for the camera, right?  I sure feel like I'm saying that a lot lately . . . 

A Good Turn


One thing I really love about scouts is the focus on serving others.  This Memorial Day Max and William had the opportunity to honor those that gave their all for our country by placing american flags on graves at a local cemetery.  

So Long 4th Grade

William's last day of school was May 21st.  They decided to have a last day parade like last year and it was incredible!  We decorated the van more this time, so we felt a bit more prepared.  

William felt like a complete rockstar as he hung out the sunroof and all of the teachers cheered.  I will forever be grateful that we found a school that teaches the way he learns.  I wish I had know what I know now back when I was in the classroom. 

I couldn't have said it better myself - it really has been bananas!

After the parade several of the kids met up at a nearby  park. They had so much fun running around, hiding in the woods, and spraying each other with a random hose that they found.  

Jack's First Glof Lesson

For several seasons Jack has watched his big brothers head off for golf.  It was finally his turn and he could not have been more excited!

He took his lesson very seriously and focused on what his instructor was saying.  He was determined to get it.  Jack was all smiles afterwards and he couldn't wait to head back the next week!  Grandpa Jack was so proud!

Jack's First Communion

 On May 8th Jack celebrated the sacrament for holy communion for the first time.  

This was also our first real gather post covid vaccine.  As we knelt after Jack's first communion I had tears in my eyes as family member after family passed by Jack on their way back to their pews.  I was overwhelmed by the love and I'm just so grateful to have these people in my life 

It's sad that this was the best family picture that we got, but I think the rest of the pictures are pretty great.  Baby Guiseppe was a huge hit at the celebration.  It's so fun to have a baby around again!

Before mass Great Aunt Carm gave Jack a very special rosary that was from the vatican.  It was in her pocket as the pope blessed all the people in St. Peter's square.  Each boy has one of these special rosaries. 

Grandma and Grandpa ordered a special yoyo for Jack that he has been begging for - the Cannon.  It even had a counterweight.  He spent the rest of the party wowing everyone with his super awesome yoyo skills.

Almost a smile from Max!

This little guy sure is loved.  It was so amazing to have everyone together after such a long year of distancing.  I will never take time spent together for granted again.

Happy Birthday Jack

 EIGHT!!  My baby is eight!  Birthday season is tough on this momma.  All of my boys get older at the same time and I can't take it!

I love the way Jack always wants to put his arms around his brothers in pictures.  It melts my heart every time.

He had lots of fun with his gifts - and Max even sat and played BeyBlades with him for a long time.  Nonna and Nonno were super impressed with his magic tricks.  Jack is a man of many talents.

Spring Campout

Our cub scout campout was a huge success.  The boys had so much fun playing games with their friends.  This pass the ball game was pretty comical to watch. 

Jack was super excited about this may apple flower he found on our nature hunt.  He said it was like a flower with it's own little umbrella.

I hadn't been to this park before and I was blown away with how beautiful it was.  There was a gorgeous lake with a white sandy beach surrounding it.  It almost made up for the state of the bathrooms.

 Jack earned his wolf patch and William is well on his way for his Arrow of Light.  I guess William was off running around with his buddies the whole time, because I don't have any pictures of him.  

Happy Birthday to Will - and to Grandpa Jack!

 It's hard to believe that William has been part of our lives for an entire decade.  I can't imagine life without his curiosity and adventurous spirit.  Someday Max will smile again for pictures - right?

This guy got to celebrate twice!  He had a baseball game on his official birthday and his team sang to him - it was pretty cute.  They brought home a win as an extra bonus.

That weekend we were able to celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa - and another cake.  This time he requested a cake that is both vanilla and chocolate.  This four layer cake may look a little wonky, but he loved it.  Lucky guy!