Monday, April 23, 2018

Happy Birthday William!

Seven.  Wow.  I just can't take all these birthdays in a row.  I'm still not used to saying Max is 10 and now I have to adjust to saying William is 7.  Oh my. 
 Friday after school Max and Jack got to work making the cake.  Max did great, and Jack was so excited to help.
 We started the day with some yard work before meeting Grandma and Grandpa for lunch.  It was a double celebration - Grnadpa's birthday was Friday!  After lunch we headed to William's pick for the day - The Magic House.  It's always a huge it.  The traveling exhibit right now is Dinosaur Train from PBS.  My kids aren't huge fans, but seeing the time train in real life was pretty cool. 

All three boys also thought it was fun to lunge in the giant pteranodon nest. 

 Nonna and Nonno came over after the Magic House for leftover pizza and cake.  Max was pretty proud of his creation and Jack wanted nothing to do with pictures. 
After cake with Nonno and Nonna we headed to William's very first baseball game.  He was so excited about it that he wore his uniform all day long.  It was adorable. He did great!  He got four hits!  He did get out one because the ball made its way to first base before he did.   It was a great first game and he can't wait until the next.  

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