Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Wow, June is just flying past us.  I thought things would be crazy with all three boys home, and three weeks in I htink I can say that crazy is an understatement.  We are loving our summer schedule and the weather has been beautiful for the past few days - which is nice considering it ahs been rainy and cold!

Last night Brian and I were able to go out while Nonno and Nonna watched the boys.  THey had lots of fun exploring in the woods and I wish I would havve thought to get a Father's Day pic of hte boys with their Nonno.

Today I was more on top of things.  We went over to Grandpa and Grandma's house for lunch and the kids were their usual wild little selves.  They did take a few minutes out of running around, rolling balls, and chasing cats to pose for a couple pictures.   I love watching our boys with their Daddy.  They are just so cute together.  They love their Daddy so much - I do too!

 We got another pictures with Grandpa Jack in on the action.  Trying to get five men to look at the camera proved to be a little bit impossible :)
And here is one more with Great Grandpa Ray.  He man handled those two little boys like it was his job.  I guess that what comes from raising twins.

We hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating all of the fathers in their lives.  We look forward to many more celebrations to come!

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