Friday, February 24, 2012

10 Months Old

I swear I can't catch my breath because I spend all of my time running after this amazing little man. He is just all over the place. I was so anxious to have Will crawl, but now I'm remembering what a pain baby-proofing is. We really need to get on that!

So what else is new at 10 months? Well, we are working to help Will gain a bit more weight, so that means more bottles. Unfortunately, I my pumping can't keep up so we are supplementing with formula. I feel bad admitting it, but I'm really looking forward to hanging up my pump over the next week or two.

Brian and I have decided we have a future musician on our hands. Will just loves music and he has preferences. If a song he likes come on he just dances and dances - you wouldn't believe the moves he was doing in his high chair at the taco store, AKA Chipolte tonight. Too fun!

The Box House

Brian's big exciting birthday present was a new dehumidifier. While that in itself isn't too exciting for the boys, the box sure was! Max was so excited with his box house and he wanted Baby Will to join him, that is until Will tried to eat the box house. Then Max didn't want Will coming anywhere near the box after that. It was pretty funny to watch Max color his box house with every marker, crayon, and colored pencil he could find. I have a feeling this box might be hanging around our living room for a while.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Not only do I have two wonderful, handsome, silly, sweet little boys, I also have an amazing husband. Today is Brian's 34th birthday. We began celebrating with breakfast at First Watch - we had a coupon so that made Brian happy. When we came home Brian and Max spent some time outside to 'mow' the grass. Isn't Max's frog hat the cutest little thing? We found it at my new favorite store, Verde Kids. It was even half off - again this made Brian happy.

Will also wanted some Daddy birthday snuggles. Too bad I can never get a decent picture of all three of my boys together.

Tonight we are off to my parents for Brian's birthday dinner - pork patties and German Chocolate cake, two of Brian's favorites.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Max the Artist

Yesterday I bought some paper and a heart hole punch for Max to work on his valentine's for his class. He is loving it! He punches out the little white hearts and glues them to the red paper. Then he tells me who it is for so I can write the names on them.

He is very proud of his creations and can't wait to pass them out to his classmates I think the finished product turned out pretty cute. I tried to get him to make one for his brother but he just told me that Baby Will is too small and would eat it. The sad thing is, I'm sure Will would just try to eat it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Will's Tricks

Watch out world, we have a full blown, hands and knees, forward moving crawler. Just last week Will perfected transitioning from laying down to sitting up. Little by little throughout the week he began getting up on all fours for very a few seconds at a time. Tonight he just took off. He was crawling all over the room. It feels like he went from zero to sixty in five seconds flat. I tried to get a good picture of Will showing off his new skill but he just wouldn't sit still so this is the best I could do.

Another new trick of Will's is blowing rasberries. He just does it over and over. I hear him blowing rasberries in the car on the way to the sitters. The funniest thing is when Will and Max go back and forth with their rasberry blowing. It is just too funny to watch.

We had Will's nine month check up last week. I have to say it has me a little worried. Will weighed in at 18 lb 8 oz and was 27 1/4 in tall, or long whichever way you look at it. That put him in the 20th and 25th percentiles respectively, which is quite a drop from his six month check up. We are working on supplementing, but he just fights the bottle like crazy. Since we can't seem to get much more milk into him we are trying to up the solid foods. Will's new favorite is Yo Baby yogurt. He can't get enough of this stuff!

Keen Ad

Max loves, and I mean LOVES, his red shoes. We bought him a pair of tennis shoes but he refuses to wear then and insists on wearing his red shoes every day. Last week his preschool teacher sent this picture to me. This is how he fell asleep during his nap. I think I need to submit it to Keen so that Max can be the heart of their new ad campaign - maybe we will get a free pair :)