Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

Life just doesn't get any better than this. . . we enjoyed the holidays with our wonderful family and Max just had the best time ever! The festivities began on Christmas Eve with my family. It was great to see everyone. Being the only kiddo under 13 in the family, Max was the star of the show. We don't have too many pictures because he wouldn't sit still long enough. He was too busy running around the house exploring.

Max was so excited Christmas morning to see that Santa had indeed arrived. He didn't know what to play with first! The easel won out until he had every magnetic letter on the board and then he moved on to his new kitchen. He was so excited about the kitchen that we couldn't get him to open anything else! Once he finally opened his play food he was in heaven. I love the way he is storing his Spanish rice in the microwave. The rest of Christmas morning was spent in our new home enjoying the beautiful snow and each others company.

At lunch time we were off to the Dull's for more celebrating, and of course presents! Max always loves seeing his cousins and yesterday was no different. Max got tons of fun stuff. Including a baby that we are hoping will help him to prepare for the arrival of baby number two, although is anyone ever really prepared?

The festivities are still far from over. We have three more events planned for today and tomorrow. Unfortunatly all three of us are a bit under the weather, so we may have to play it by ear. We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with friends and family!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sugar Cookies

Max had such a fun night. We made sugar cookies - thanks to the Trader Joe's Decorate It Yourself kit. Max mixed everything together, or at least he turned on the Kitchen Aid. He cut the dough out. He loved using the little cookie cutters, I think his favorite was the snowman.

Even more fun than the cutting was the decorating! Max worked hard with Daddy to sprinkle each and every cookie perfectly. The holidays are just so much fun, especially when we get to share them with Max.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Big Brother To Be

Our big boy will be a big brother this spring. Baby #2 is due on May first and we are thrilled that our family is growing. Max is well aware that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. He kisses my belly button and says he loves the baby. Although when we ask if he is going to be a big brother he is quick to say no. We will have to work on that.
Things are going well with the pregnancy. We had the big ultrasound last week and everything looks great. We didn't find out the gender - we loved the surprise with Max and are looking forward to the surprise again.

As preparation for baby's arrival we had Max's big boy furniture delivered yesterday. He is so excited, he could have climbed up and down the ladder of his bunk bed all day long. We had to drag him out of his new room. I only hope that he will be this excited when it is time to sleep in his new bed.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis the Season

Nothing says Christmas like a nativity and a Christmas tree. With the chaos of moving that is about all we are putting out this year. Max has been so excited about the Christmas trees he is seeing all over the place. On Friday morning I explained that we would be getting our tree that day. Max was all excited. We hit the local tree stand and found a pretty cute tree if I do say so myself. Max was so proud to help daddy hold up our tree.

Once we got home it was off to bed for Max while I fought with the lights on the tree. He lit up in the morning when he came downstairs to see his very own 'tee'. Today we spent decorating the tree with some very special ornaments. The only ones Max cared about were the three choo-choo cars, I guess I shouldn't be surprised!