Saturday, July 10, 2010

Grant's Farm

What a wonderful morning! We met another couple and their two kids to explore Grant's Farm today. We were there when they opened, so we didn't have to wait in line for the tram - which of course Max loved. There were tons of animals out today too, the tram came within a foot of a buffalo.

Of course of one of the highlights of the farm is always the goats. We tried the goats last year and it went okay. We didn't want to take Max inside, so we jsut fed through the fence. Last year Max also thought that the bottle was for him and not the goats. This year we went into the fenced area and at first Max thought it was pretty fun. With a little help from mom he was happy as could be feeding a cute little goat.

Then Max wanted to be a big boy and feed the goats by himself. This probably wasn't the best idea. These goats were aggressive. Before we knew it about 10 goats were attacking Max demading his milk. Poor guy got a bit overwhelemd and this is how our trek to the goat pen ended.

Max recovered pretty quickly from the trauma of the goat pen and we enjoyed the rest of our mornign at the farm. While he wasn't too wild about sitting in the stands for the elephant show, he did enjoy watching 'Bud' do his tricks from the sidelines. Overall it was a wonderful morning spent with great company. It really doesn't get any better than this.

1 comment:

bicentenario de la patria said...

you surely enjoy the farm jeje i wish you follow my blog.
Love jhonny