Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

What a wonderful day we have had! We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to celebrate. We headed out to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a delicious Easter lunch. Before lunch the kids had lots of fun hunting for eggs in the back yard. Max quickly got the hang of it - after all hide and seek is one of his favorite games. He marched through the grass and used his eagle eyes - and daddy's help - to find all eight of his eggs pretty quickly.

The best part of the holiday is seeing our family - and it doesn't get any cuter than watching Max with his cousins. Graham wasn't too into the picture taking, but Paisley and Max posed for a few. The kids had so much fun together. In fact, Max had so much fun that there was no way he was going to nap. After the festivities we ended up taking him home where he was out for two hours. Hunting for eggs and playing with cousins is tough work!

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