Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

What a wonderful holiday it has been! We started celebrating at my Aunt and Uncle's house last night. There was lots of fun, lots of family, and lots of great food. Unfortunately, Max was not in a very good mood! He was an angry little man. . . I tried telling him that Santa wouldn't like that, but it didn't seem to have much effect. The piano perked him up just a bit and he did pose for a family picture in front of the tree.

Max was up this morning and ready to dig into all those goodies under the tree. Max had lots of fun opening his presents. He was most interested in the Lego's and his little train set. He plopped his bottom right in the middle of the track daddy made and was thrilled to make the train go round and round. Unfortunately, Santa picked up this train set at Ikea and it isn't the best quality. Max had lots of derailments and got a bit ticked off. I think daddy and I are going to have to find a much nicer train -and a table to play with it on - for his birthday in March.

After nap we headed out to the Dulls, where more fun was had by all. Max convinced his cousin Graham that that doggy crate is a great place to hang out. I think her boys were completely content in there for quite a while. Then it was time for the chaos of present opening. . . Here is Max climbing on top of his Lego table. I think he needs a little instruction on how to best use this wonderful new toy. All in all it was a fabulous holiday spent with our wonderful family. We are so blessed! Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Love+ Mama said...

Great family pic! We haven't had too many derailment issues with the Circo (Target) tracks. But, if you watch Craigslist, you can get a table with tracks, etc too...