Sunday, May 24, 2009

Family Fun

We have had a very busy weekend! Yesterday we were able to celebrate our niece Paisley's third birthday. We are so excited that Max's cousins have moved back to Missouri . . . we are happy to have Mark and Kathy closer too, of course. Max was not in the best of moods for the party. He didn't want to be more than about a foot away from mom or dad. He is working on cutting four more teeth right now so he has been pretty cranky. He did play with his cousins a bit. It is hard to believe that Graham is going to be one soon! Don't they all look cute hanging out together?

Today we celebrated my cousin Anna's graduation from high school. Max was in better spirits today - he was okay being about five feet from mom or dad so that is an improvement. He was willing to pose for one picture, as long as he was in dads arms. I really can't wait for his teething to be over so we have a few pictures of him without a bib on!

Every time I look at Max I am amazed at how big he is getting. I feel like he is charging full speed ahead into toddler hood. I even see a glimpse of the terrible twos once in a while. Tonight he was all smiles getting ready for bed, so we couldn't resist taking a picture.

On another note, I set up an appointment with an ENT. We are going to see Dr. Hardeman at Midwest Head and Neck. We will be seeing him on the 11th of June, so more to come later!

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