Saturday, June 21, 2008

Three Months Old?!

It is so hard to believe that our little guy is already three months old! With daddy back at work I have been a busy woman so it has been a while since I have posted. It seems like our days are over before they even begin. Max and I are having lots of fun!

Last week I had to go back to work to write curriculum. It was so hard to leave Max! The only thing that made it bearable was that he spent the week with Nonna Carlotta so I knew he was getting lots of love. He was a very good boy and he didn't seem fazed that I wasn't around, which I have to admit was a little bit sad! Come Friday I was so glad to be finished and get back to my little Max Man. I do think that this week helped to ease me into going back to work although I'm sure I will still cry come August when I have to leave him at daycare.

Max gets funnier every day. He is a very happy baby most of the time. He gives out smiles to anyone that glances his way. He has even started laghing out loud. Daddy put a bib on him the other day (he is quite the drooler/spitter) and he thought it was the funniest thing ever. His laughter is such a sweet sound! Laughing isn't the only new skill he has developed - he loves to 'talk'. He has always liked being talked to, but recently he started 'talking' back - but in a good way. He makes all kinds of noises and smiles like crazy. Then he stops and waits for me to talk some more. We can go back and forth for quite a while before he looses intrest. He is also getting huge! Some of his six month clothes are already getting a bit snug. I thought I would be able to put off buying nine month clothes until the fall, but now I think he will be ready for them in another month or so! I can't wait for his four month check up in a few weeks so I can see how much my little man weighs.

We had a visit on Thursday from out Parents As Teachers representative - I have only been trying to get them here since Max was born! She was very kind and she pointed out some things that I can work on with Max. She noticed that he isn't the best at tummy time - I don't do it enough becuase he hates it! She also suggested that I dangle some things in front of him to encourage him to grasp and track things with his eyes. Overall, I was very happy with the visit and I look forward to her coming back in August.

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