Monday, January 27, 2020

City Museum

Sunday we braved one of my least favorite outings - the City Museum.  The boys had a blast exploring nad running around like crazy.  I was a nervous wreck. 

 We actually lost this guy for about 20 minutes - to the point where we approached an employee and they had everyone on the lookout for six year old Jack wearing a black shirt and brown pants :)

It was pretty warm - you know, for January - so these guys decided to check out some of the outdoor adventures.  This slide was crazy steep, but the both loved it!

Derby Day!

 William and Jack both raced a car in the pack Pinewood derby this year.  They had so much fun!  Nonna and Nonno were even on hand to see the whole thing. 

 Jack opted for the wonder wiggle model.  While he didn't place, he was still pretty excited to watch it race down the track.  He also had fun hanging out with his cute little Tiger Cub friends. 

 William ended up in 3rd place.  He is moving on to districts next month!  

Our big guy Max was there too - his scout troop manned the concession stand during the event.  He was serving up some pretty delicious hot dogs - and having fun doing it!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Field Trip Fun

 One of my least favorite things about teaching was going on field trips and now one of my favorite things about being a stay at home mom is . . . field trips :)

I was able to spend my morning with Jack and his classmates learning all about Argentina.

 Jack and his partner where just too cute as they began to explore.

I enjoy this little man so much.  It doesn't get much better than this!

Happy New Year!

We had one last celebration before everyone headed home on New Year's Day.

This picture of Jack and his cousin Charlotte might just be my very favorite picture ever :)

 It doesn't get much better than Jack's choice of photo prop.

Of course we had to get a picture of the cousins and Brian with all his siblings and his dad. 

I just love all of my brothers and sisters-in-law.

Cousin Time!

The boys had the best winter break ever because ten of their cousins were in town.  So much fun! 

We had lots of fun times at home with Monopoly games that lasted for hours. 

 Weeks before Christmas I was able to secure 22 tickets to the new aquarium that opened on Christmas Day.

It was a bit of a let down.  I was annoyed that there were no signs about what we were seeing.  I would have loved to tell the boys what they were looking at. 

There were a few hands on exhibits.  Jack was terrified to let the fish touch his hand, but once he did he thought it was the most fun he ever had. 

 The big cousins and all the aunts and uncles went to an escape room.  Max had a great time. 

 It was cold outside and these crazy kiddos needed to run off some energy so we headed to a trampoline part. 

Uncle Jeff and Dad helped Jack and William work on their pinewood derby cars.  I think Uncle Jeff and Dad had the most fun with that project. 

Christmas Morning

 We had a nice, quiet morning at home before a delicious lunch with Brian's family. 

After singing happy birthday to baby Jesus we started in on presents. 

 From a chemistry lab, to a Nintendo switch, to a new screen on Max's phone - all three boys were thrilled with their gifts.

 What a wonderful Christmas! 

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful holiday!  My cousin Aurelio and his wife were kind enough to host this year.  Spending time with family is always the best part of a holiday and this was no different. 

 All three boys had a great time and of course they enjoyed lots of time with Nonna and Aunt Anna. 

 The boys threw some baby carrots outside to see if Santa's reindeer would smell them.  Sure enough before we knew it Jack heard Santa's bell!

It doesn't get much better than this!